A Study on the Relationship between Infants' Contact and Play with Nature and Early Childhood education Content "Health" - Focusing on the basics of the power to live that life and play in the garden nurture and cultivate -
- Hase Hideki
- Shijonawate-gakuen Junior College
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- 乳幼児の自然との触れ合いや遊びと、保育内容「健康」との関わりについての一考察 -園での生活と遊びが育み培う生きる力の基礎に着目して-
- ニュウヨウジ ノ シゼン ト ノ フレアイ ヤ アソビ ト 、 ホイク ナイヨウ 「 ケンコウ 」 ト ノ カカワリ ニ ツイテ ノ イチ コウサツ : ソノ デ ノ セイカツ ト アソビ ガ ハグクミ ツチカウ イキル チカラ ノ キソ ニ チャクモク シテ
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship and connection between infants and toddlers' contact with nature, play and life in childcare and early childhood education in nursery schools, kindergartens, accredited kindergartens and other childcare facilities, and their relationship with the content area of childcare, "health", from the perspective of each, as well as from the perspective of the situation and the situation, and to provide comprehensive guidance through play in order to promote children's growth and development.\ The purpose is to reevaluate the basic principles of childcare and early childhood education from multiple perspectives.\ Specifically, the significance and importance of the various abilities that are nurtured and fostered through contact with nature, play, and daily life, and in relation to the "health" of childcare content, will be reassessed and some consideration will be added. Through this, the awareness of students studying childcare will be grasped through a questionnaire survey of the nature experience of infants and toddlers and the raising and cultivating activities at the nursery, and will be organized, analyzed and discussed. In addition, we explored better ways of instructing students on the "health" of childcare content, as well as future issues and areas for improvement.\ As a result, it was again found that the experience of nature in nursery schools, kindergartens and other childcare and early childhood education settings, i.e., the interaction with nature, play and lifestyle during infant play, contributes to the development of a healthy mind and body, and to the cultivation of a healthy foundation and foundation of life skills. The questionnaire survey of the students revealed that the students were in their second year of school and that they had a firm understanding of the importance of nature experience and rearing activities.
- 四條畷学園短期大学紀要
四條畷学園短期大学紀要 53 1-10, 2020-12-25
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390577763027154688
- NII Article ID
- 120006956264
- NII Book ID
- AA1220784X
- 031241101
- 18811043
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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