Multi-Objective Optimization for Marine Propeller Blade Shapes Using Differential Evolution Algorithm


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  • 差分進化法を用いた舶用プロペラ翼形状の多目的最適化


<p>Blade shape optimization of marine propellers is generally formulated as an optimization problem to maximize efficiency in uniform flow. For practical design, it is essential to optimize not only propeller efficiency, but also cavitation performance and thrust difference from the target required for propulsion. In addition, because propeller blade geometry is complex, the design variables used to describe the geometry of it are high-dimensional. The search for a reasonable solution is time-consuming. In this study, the blade shape optimization problem of marine propellers is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. The optimal propeller blade shape is searched for using multi-objective JADE which is a Differential Evolution algorithm with high search performance. In numerical simulations, authors have shown that the developed method can search for a better blade shape compared to the original propeller and verify the validity of the blade shape obtained in model experiment.</p>


  • Turbomachinery

    Turbomachinery 50 (12), 716-727, 2022

    Turbomachinery Society of Japan

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