Corrosion Characteristics of Steel Bars in Concrete Located in Tidal Zone

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  • 干満部に位置するコンクリート中鉄筋の腐食特性


<p>A test specimen simulating a pier, which is a harbor structure with a series of reinforced concrete members from the atmospheric to the tidal zone, was fabricated and tested for exposure to seawater. The potential and current density of the reinforcing bars in each environmental category were observed to investigate the effect of tidal fluctuations on the corrosion of the reinforcing bars in the concrete. As a result, changes in the rebar potential and current density were observed in synchronization with tidal fluctuations. The formation of different macrocells was observed depending on the tidal level, and the macrocell characteristics changed with the lengthening of the exposure period.</p>


  • Zairyo-to-Kankyo

    Zairyo-to-Kankyo 72 (4), 115-120, 2023-04-10

    Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering


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