神と人間との共働の思想 : ルターをめぐって


  • カミ ト ニンゲン トノ キョウドウ ノ シソウ ルター オ メグッテ
  • On the Co-work of God and Man in the Theology of Martin Luther




Martin Luther discussed God’s previous work in history and corresponding human work as cooperation with Him when he rejected Erasmus’s free will theory in his book “De servo arbitrio” (“The Bondage of the Will”) (1525). He had also previously deliberated on this theme in his book “Von welltlicher uberkeytt wie weytt man yhr gehorsam schuldig sey” (1523). Although the assertion that man “cooperates” with God is not central in each book, it is nevertheless significant when considering the relationship between God and man. This notion is sometimes found in the history of Christianity and theology, however, interestingly, Luther discussed the same theme at the very starting point of Protestantism. Consequently, we herein endeavor to clarify this assertion as discussed primarily in these two books, and we refer to it as the “co-work of God and man.” It will also be clarified that this co-work is based on Luther’s theory of justification by faith. Therefore, we can conclude that the co-work of God and man constitutes the basis of Christian ethics.


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