Design development in collaboration with local companies, major companies and universities

DOI IR (HANDLE) Open Access

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  • 地域企業と大手企業と大学との産学連携でのデザイン開発

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<p>This work is the result of an industry-university collaboration class between local companies, a major company (MUJI), and University. The students utilized the skills of local industry and traditional crafts, incorporated MUJI’s approach to manufacturing, and realized a design that can be sold and promoted by local companies with the involvement of MUJI.<br>This work was exhibited at an event held at MUJI Tenjin Daimyo in June 2022, and commercialized products were also sold. This process benefits local companies, major companies, and universities. The project also presented a model that enables local companies to realize the planning and sales of appealing products by incorporating MUJI’s manufacturing philosophy into the traditional techniques of local industries and designing them by students with a free spirit.<br> </p>


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