Effectiveness of a Tool for Welfare Workers to Support Smoking Cessation by Welfare Recipients


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  • 現業員による生活保護受給者への禁煙支援に関するツールの有効性の検討

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<p>Objective: We examined the effectiveness of a tool for caseworkers to support smoking cessation by welfare recipients at social welfare offices.<br>Method: We distributed a smoking cessation support tool, consisting of a smoking cessation support manual and a pamphlet for welfare recipients, to caseworkers at welfare offices, and we asked them to use the tool for half a year. Questionnaires were conducted before and after use of the tool to compare recognition by the caseworkers and the status of smoking cessation support.<br>Results: Caseworkers’ recognition of the extent of medical help for smoking cessation treatment increased after the tool was distributed. However, their awareness of smoking status and the need to quit smoking decreased; moreover, the caseworkers’ sense of the burden imposed by their support of smoking cessation increased, and their confidence in smoking cessation support decreased.<br>Discussion: Although smoking cessation support tools may be useful for increasing welfare caseworkers’ knowledge of smoking cessation, it is difficult to link the tools alone to smoking cessation in welfare recipients, because their use can lead to a sense of burden and loss of self-confidence among the workers.<br>Conclusion: There is a need to consider a full system of support, not just tools, for smoking cessation among welfare recipients through collaboration between welfare workers and health and medical professionals.</p>


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