Micelle Formation of Dodecanoic Acid with Alkali Metal Counterions

  • Matsuoka Keisuke
    Faculty of Education, Laboratory of Chemistry, Saitama University
  • Sato Aiko
    Faculty of Education, Laboratory of Chemistry, Saitama University
  • Ogawa Yukino
    Faculty of Education, Laboratory of Chemistry, Saitama University
  • Okazaki Kana
    Faculty of Education, Laboratory of Chemistry, Saitama University
  • Yada Shiho
    Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science, Nara Women’s University
  • Yoshimura Tomokazu
    Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science, Nara Women’s University

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<p>Alkali series with different atomic numbers affect the physicochemical properties of aqueous solutions. The micellar properties of aqueous solutions of dodecanoate as surfactants were measured by changing the counterions (C12-Na, C12-K, C12-Rb, and C12-Cs). A plot of Krafft temperature vs. alkali metal atomic number showed a downward convex curve, with its minimum temperature (20°C) in the C12-K system. By contrast, a plot of the critical micelle concentration (CMC) vs. alkali metal atomic number exhibited an upward convex curve with the maximum CMC (25.6 mmol L-1) at C12-K. Furthermore, the minimum surface tension (γ min ) of the solution at the CMC increased with increasing atomic number (C12-Na ≈ C12-K < C12-Rb < C12-Cs). The size of the dodecanoate micelles decreased with increasing atomic number. The ionization degree of the micelles also increased with increasing atomic number of the alkali metal. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements revealed that alkali dodecanoate micelles formed spherical to ellipsoidal structures. In addition, micelles from the shell region showed large electrostatic repulsion, judging from the shape of the spectrum in the higher Q -1 region. From the measurement results of the solubilization of naphthalene into the micelles, the size of the micelles corresponded to the maximum solubilization quantity of naphthalene.</p>



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