A Study of Comprehensive Sleep in a Sleep Environment Assuming Overnight Stay in a Shelter and Car during a Disaster

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The purpose of this study was to comprehensively evaluate sleep and to investigate ways to improve the sleep environment in the disaster situation. We experimentally reproduced a sleep environment that simulates staying in evacuation shelter (evacuation shelter trial) or in car seats (car trial) during a disaster in nine young healthy males and conducted sleep experiments during the winter. As a result, compared to the control trial conducted at home (control trial), we were unable to confirm the effect of the sleep environment that simulated staying at an evacuation shelter or in a car on falling asleep, but it was suggested objectively and subjectively that coldness and difficulty in turning over interfered with sleep maintenance in the evacuation shelter and car trials. It was suggested that the quality of sleep might be secured objectively and subjectively by devising bedding such as cardboard beds to prevent coldness when staying in evacuation shelters, and by using cushions to eliminate steps to make turning over easier when staying in cars.


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