
  • 陳 怡安


  • Chengguan’s View of Avalokiteśvara and the Verses from the <i>Da Fangguangfo Huayan jing</i>, Translated by Prajñā


<p>According to Zhipan’s 志磐 Fozu tongji 佛祖統紀, the 40 fascicle Da Fangguangfo Huayan jing (hereafter referred to as the 40 fascicle Huayan 四十華嚴, translated in 795-798) is a translation by Chengguan 澄觀 together with Master Prajñā 般若三藏 of Kapiśi 罽賓國, of the Huayan jing, a Sanskrit text presented by the kingdom of Uḍa 烏荼國.</p><p>The 40 fascicle Huayan contains more descriptions of Avalokitesvara than does the 60 fascicle Huayan 六十華嚴, the Luomojia jing 羅摩伽經, or the 80 fascicle Huayan 八十華嚴, and among the additions are two chants that are not found in the 60 fascicle Huayan. In these two verses, we can see the ideas of Chengguan. For example, the idea that only one of the “the three poisons 三毒” can be considered “the three poisons,” and the interpretation of the Huayan jing based on the “Chapter of the Universal Gate 普門品” of the Lotus Sūtra are Chengguan’s own ideas and interpretations, and it is highly possible that he included his own view of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva in the 40 fascicle Huayan.</p>


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