SKL tagging : a method for generating dominant-negative inhibitors of the homeobox transcription factor superfamily and smads


  • SKLタグトラップ法 : 二量体型転写因子およびSmadにおける機能阻害法の構築



Peroxisome targeting signal 1 (PTS1) is a C-terminal tripeptide with a consensus sequence such as serine-lysine-leucine (SKL). Using this molecular mechanism, we developed a novel dominant-negative assay, designated the SKLtag trap assay, to negatively regulate dimeric transcription factor, as typified by the homeobox transcription factor superfamily. We tested this method on the homeobox protein Siamois, a well-studied dorsalizing factor in vertebrates, with Vent1 and Vent2 as ventralizing factors. In both cases, protein functions were effectively blocked by the SKL-tag trap assay. Moreover, we showed that the technical feasibility of the SKL-tag trap assay was confirmed for Smad transcription factors. Taken together, we conclude that the SKL-tag trap assay can be used for the effective way to inhibit function of dimeric, trimeric, and oligomeric transcriptional factors in amphibian embryos.

自由論題 研究論文


  • Keio SFC journal

    Keio SFC journal 16 (1), 204-217, 2016


詳細情報 詳細情報について

