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  • Electromagnetic Characteristics of Stacked Superconductors and Permanent Magnets Applying for Magnetic Bearings


<p>This paper discusses magnetic bearings made of permanent magnets( PM) and ring-shape stacked superconductors. We evaluate basic electromagnetic characteristics such as thrust force and rotation characteristics via experiments. The thrust force using a cylindrical PM and the ring-shape stacked superconductors are compared with the PM and a ring-shape bulk superconductor. The experimental results showed that both thrust forces are almost the same as 14 N. On the other hand, the rotation stability of the bearings using the 1- or 3-stacked superconductors, or a bulk superconductor is evaluated via time constant. The experimental results indicated that the time constants of the magnetic bearing using 3-stacked superconductors and using a bulk superconductor are 3.85 s and 2.92 s, respectively. The results showed that 3-stacked superconducting magnetic bearing have a competitive with the magnetic bearings using bulk superconductors.</p>


  • 低温工学

    低温工学 58 (5), 245-251, 2023-09-20

    公益社団法人 低温工学・超電導学会 (旧 社団法人 低温工学協会)

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