近代朝鮮における<童話>の形成過程 ── 方定煥が翻案 したイソップ寓話「ソウルねずみと田舎ねずみ」と創作童話 「田舎ねずみのソウル見物」の考察 ──


  • A Study of Bang Jeong-hwan's Encounter with Aesop's Fable “The Mouse in the Town and the Mouse in the Country”
  • 近代朝鮮における<童話>の形成過程 : 方定煥が翻案したイソップ寓話「ソウルねずみと田舎ねずみ」と創作童話「田舎ねずみのソウル見物」の考察
  • キンダイ チョウセン ニ オケル<ドウワ>ノ ケイセイ カテイ : カタ テイカン ガ ホンアン シタ イソップ グウワ 「 ソウル ネズミ ト イナカ ネズミ 」 ト ソウサク ドウワ 「 イナカ ネズミ ノ ソウル ケンブツ 」 ノ コウサツ



Bang Jeong-hwan has established the concept of modern fairy tales in the history of Korean children's literature. In this article, I examine his editorial, “Newly Developed ‘Fairy Tales’ ”(1923), in which he presents his view of fairy tales. In this editorial, Bang Jeong-hwan wrote that it is important to accept the world's best fairy tales and to collect oral traditions from ancient times in Korea. “Fairy Tale Theory” written by Bang Jeong-hwan, accepts much of the discourse of Toshio Takagi, a leading folklore scholar of contemporary Japan, and Mimei Ogawa, a literary scholar. The year after the fairy tale article was published (1924), he translated the Aesop allegory, “The Mouse in the Town and the Mouse in the Country.” The adaptation notably uses Korean vocabulary that is easy for Korean children to understand. In 1926, he published a new fairy tale, “Funny Fairy Tales / A Story of a County Mouse Sightseeing in Seoul.” This work is a satire-like fairy tale with humorous criticism of modern civilization. From these works, one can read the nationalism of Bang Jeong-hwan, who values Korean culture while learning from fairy tales around the world, and the unique perspective of Bang Jeong-hwan, who satirizes modern civilization and urban life with humor.


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