Peculiarities of the Planar Waveguide-Resonator Application for TXRF Spectrometry



<p>The work presents short characteristic of TXRF spectrometric method and the convincing motivation for including the planar X-ray waveguide-resonators (PXWR) into TXRF facility. Properties and features of PXWR are described briefly, too. There are discussed experimental results obtained by TXRF method for real material objects in conditions of the fluorescence exciting beam fabrication by the double slit-cut system and planar waveguide-resonators with simplest and specific designs. The data show that the specific design waveguide-resonator is the more effective former of the exciting beam for TXRF spectrometry. There is pointed the way for further perfection of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy at external total reflection with PXWR oriented on elaboration of the specific construction providing the target excitation by complete set of X-ray independent sources.</p>


  • X線分析の進歩

    X線分析の進歩 44 (0), 21-40, 2013-03-31

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会 X線分析研究懇談会


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