Cultivation of Blue–Green Algae, <i>Spirulina platensis</i>, in a Diluted SOT Medium with Adjusted Ion Concentration

  • Ohira Yuichi
    Division of Sustainable Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology
  • Sato Masayuki
    Division of Sustainable Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology
  • Shimadzu Masamitsu
    Division of Sustainable Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • イオン濃度を調整した希釈SOT培地による藍藻 <i>Spirulina platensis</i>の培養


<p>The specific growth rate and maximum concentration of the blue–green algae, S. platensis, were experimentally investigated using a diluted SOT medium with adjusted ion concentration. Sodium chloride was added to the SOT medium diluted 0.010–1.0 times. The specific growth rate of S. platensis was almost the same as that of the standard SOT medium when the ion concentration of 0.26–1.04 kg m−3 by adding sodium chloride was used. The maximum concentration of S. platensis was determined by the dilution ratio of the SOT medium even when the medium containing sodium chloride was used.</p>



    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU 49 (6), 166-169, 2023-11-20

    The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan


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