Introduction of strips of paper with waka poems and portraits of thirty-six new immortal poets, owned by the Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Doshisha University

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  • 同志社大学文化情報学部蔵「新三十六歌仙絵短冊」の紹介
  • ドウシシャ ダイガク ブンカ ジョウホウ ガクブゾウ シン サンジュウロッカセン エタンザク ノ ショウカイ
  • ドウシシャ ダイガク ブンカ ジョウホウ ガクブ グラ 「 シン サンジュウ ロッカセンエ タンザク 」 ノ ショウカイ
  • 同志社大学文化情報学部蔵新三十六歌仙絵短冊の紹介

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Strips of paper with waka poems and portraits of thirty-six new immortal poets, owned by the Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Doshisha University are a total of 36 strips of paper, each of which depicts a picture of an immortal poet on one poem. Currently, the strips of paper pasted on the folding screens and sliding doors have been peeled off. It is estimated that they were produced in the middle of the Edo period. The selected poets and waka overlap with the Kanbun 1st year (1661) version of "Tyuko-Kasen''. Therefore, after provisionally assigning waka poem numbers according to the order of the waka poems in the Kanbun edition, we first compare the "bunjo e tanzaku'' with the "Kanbun edition'' from the perspectives of both waka and poetry pictures. In addition to reconfirming the text, it also positions the poetry pictures in the genealogy.


  • 社会科学

    社会科学 53 (3), 1-27, 2023-11-30

    Institute for Study of Humanities & Social Sciences, Doshisha University

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