The effect of 5S implementation for manufacturing sustainability performance in Indonesian small and medium enterprises: socio-technical perspective


<p>Technically, the 5S principle is a systematic method for improving productivity, quality, and workplace safety. However, the sustainability of 5S practices in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs), especially in Indonesia, often faces challenges such as synchronization with other management systems (quality management system, safety and health standardization, environmental standardization, and others). Similarly, there are constraints in building commitment, communication, and stakeholder involvement to ensure the success of 5S practices. As a result, this will impact the sustainability performance of manufacturing SMEs. Therefore, this research aims to develop a conceptual model through a socio-technical perspective approach to enhance the sustainability performance of manufacturing SMEs in Indonesia. The model also involves relational coordination as a mediating variable that bridges the relationship between 5S practices and sustainability performance. The methodology of this study is conducted through survey research and data processing using the SEM AMOS statistical analysis tool. The study's results prove, through hypotheses, that 5S practices with socio-technical dimensions influence sustainability performance through the mediating variable of relational coordination among leaders, employees, customers, and suppliers simultaneously. However, the direct influence of the social and technical dimensions on 5S practices partially does not significantly affect sustainability performance. Therefore, it can be concluded that the conceptual model is a cohesive unity between the social and technical dimensions of 5S practices, relational coordination, and sustainability performance. Nevertheless, to strengthen the robustness of the conceptual model, further validation is needed through future studies based on other sectors, such as the service sector or different geographic locations.</p>


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