Pneumatic humanoid robot with adsorption mechanism for badminton stepping motion

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  • 吸着機構を備えた空気圧駆動の人型ロボットによるバドミントンの踏み出し動作の実現


<p>In this research, we developed a humanoid robot with suction mechanisms to realize footwork in badminton. First, the investigation of the suction force of suckers showed that the stability of the robot had improved. By improving the stability, the robot was able to perform a large and quick-stepping motion that was not possible with existing robots. The width of the step was about 0.9m, and the horizontal velocity of the hip of the robot was about 1.1m/s. Compared to the human stepping motion, the speed of the robot’s stepping motion was inferior, but the width of the step was no inferior. In addition, the estimated ZMP during the stepping motion showed the effectiveness of suction mechanisms in the realization of badminton footwork.</p>


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