Effects of exercises on physiological levels and differential responding during the concealed information test

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  • 隠匿情報検査時における身体運動が生理水準および弁別的反応に及ぼす効果の検討


<p> This study examined the effect of exercise on a physiological level and differential responding during the concealed information test (CIT). Fifty-three participants were randomly assigned to either the exercise group (n=26) or the non-exercise, control group (n=27). After three sets of CIT, the exercise group performed light physical activity for 30 seconds. The control group rested during this period. Larger skin conductance response (SCR), lower normalized pulse volume (NPV), heart rate (HR), respiratory speed (RS), respiratory amplitude (RA) and respiratory rate (RR) were observed for relevant items compared to irrelevant items in both groups. In terms of physiological levels, exercise increased HR and RR, and the physical state changed to more arousal. On the other hand, effects of exercise on physiological responses were observed in RS and RR. The differential responding of SCR and NPV decreased in the second half, but the differential responding of RS and RR decreased only in the control group. It may be suggested that there is an effect to maintain the differential responding of RS and RR by manipulating the arousal level by exercise.</p>



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