Current Circumstances and Issues on Effective Utilization of Construction Soil and Sludge

  • Kanai Hitoshi
    Planning and Coordination Division for Public Works, Policy Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism

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Other Title
  • 建設発生土等の有効利用にかかわる現状と課題


<p>Improper disposal of soil has become an issue. Some disasters, such as the debris flow disaster in Atami in 2021, have caused serious damage toh uman lives and property. Improperly disposed soil is considered tob e part of the soil that has not been used effectively, and further promotion of effective use of soil will lead toa decrease in the number of cases of inappropriate disposal. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) has been promoting the effective use of soil through the use of the Construction Soil Information Exchange System, etc. However, with the legislation of the New Fill Regulation Law and other laws and regulations, the effective use of soil will be increasingly required in the future. Therefore, MLIT will continue tovigo rously promote and support the efforts of contractors through the accounting of appropriate soil disposal costs and the promotion of the designation of the soil disposal site in the procurement process. We hope that all parties concerned will actively promote the effective use of soil.</p>


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