A case of cellulitis due to extensive invasion of a huge dedifferentiated liposarcoma

  • SHOJI Mami
    Department of Plastic Surgery, Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hospital Department of Plastic Surgery, Nippon Medical School
  • AKAISHI Satoshi
    Department of Plastic Surgery, Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hospital Department of Plastic Surgery, Nippon Medical School
  • OGAWA Rei
    Department of Plastic Surgery, Nippon Medical School
  • KUWAHARA Hiroaki
    Department of Plastic Surgery, Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hospital Department of Plastic Surgery, Nippon Medical School

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Other Title
  • 巨大脱分化型脂肪肉腫の拡大浸潤によって蜂窩織炎を来した1例


<p>A 69-year-old man with a firm soft tissue mass in the left thigh, which was left untreated for > 20 years, presented to our hospital with a chief complaint of anorexia and a giant mass in the left thigh with redness, swelling, and warmth of the lower extremity. Computed tomography scan revealed a tumor and subcutaneous fatty tissue opacities within the extensor carpi radialis muscles. A pale-yellow tumor was identified underneath the skin, with no abscess or bleeding. Subsequent contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging suggested muscle-layer infiltration. Needle biopsy was performed, and dedifferentiated liposarcoma was diagnosed. </p><p>Signs of infection were rapidly resolved with antimicrobial therapy and rest. Although large masses can be left untreated, unless interfering with the patient’s daily activities, we report a rare case of giant liposarcoma provoking cellulitis and triggering the patient to seek consultation ; thus, providing an insight of the clinical behavior of liposarcoma.[Skin Cancer (Japan) 2023 ; 38 : 218-222]</p>


  • Skin Cancer

    Skin Cancer 38 (3), 218-222, 2023

    The Japanese Skin Cancer Society


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