Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Naturalness Aware Multiscale Features


<p>We propose a blind image quality assessment (BIQA) method of using the multitask-learning-based end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) approach. The architecture of the proposed method is integrated by two streams. In the first stream, multiscale image features are extracted by using the inception and pyramid pooling modules. Natural scene statistics (NSS)-based features are extracted in the second stream. The two streams are then integrated into fully connected layers to estimate the image quality score. The performance of the proposed method is validated with four public IQA databases and the obtained experimental results show the superiority of the proposed method over conventional IQA methods.</p>


  • 信号処理

    信号処理 28 (2), 45-55, 2024-03-01


詳細情報 詳細情報について

