<論説>個人保証法改正の到達点 ─民法改正前後の比較法的検討─

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  • 個人保証法改正の到達点 : 民法改正前後の比較法的検討
  • コジン ホショウホウ カイセイ ノ トウタツテン : ミンポウ カイセイ ゼンゴ ノ ヒカク ホウテキ ケントウ



In contemporary society, the younger generation is often considered the pillar of the country’s future,injecting new vitality and creativity into society. Although China’s transition from a feudalstate to a socialist modernized country is less than 200 years, significant changes have occurredin society, and correspondingly, the connotations of the term “youth” have undergone substantialchanges. This study employs text analysis to collect and organize words related to value norms thatappeared in the 2017 national curriculum textbooks for primary and secondary schools in thesubject of “Ethics and Rule of Law.” The aim is to clarify the continuity of value norms in contemporarytextbooks for primary and secondary schools and attempt to identify the youth image thatthe country expects. The conclusion reveals that even in contemporary society, “patriotism” remains an essentialcomponent of the country’s expectations for the youth. However, the specific connotations ofthis term have changed with the development of the times. In today’s society, youth are expectednot only to love China and socialism, and support the leadership but also to contribute their effortsand dedication to China’s future development. Additionally, the appearance of “patriotism” intextbooks is not solely didactic but is more integrated with traditional culture and family values.The Chinese government hopes that the younger generation will inherit traditional culture, encouragingthem to respect elders, cherish family, and maintain family harmony, closely linkingthese values with the prosperity and development of the Chinese family. At the societal level, the Chinese government expects youth to have a sense of socialresponsibility and civic consciousness. Simultaneously, with the continuous changes in the internationalsituation, the importance of science and technology for the country’s future developmenthas become crucial, and the cultivation of innovative youth is constantly highly anticipated.Furthermore, as individuals who will determine the fate of the nation, the government expectsyouth to play an active role in harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, contributingto the construction of a more environmentally friendly and sustainable society. At the personal level, the expected youth image aligns more with the national and societallevels. From this perspective, it is evident that the youth image the country anticipates at the personallevel is not solely about the individual but extends more towards the nation and society.


  • 横浜法学

    横浜法学 32 (3), 1-28, 2024-03-25


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