A Critical Proposal on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of JACET Kansai

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  • この国の異言語教育のあり方を問い直す
  • この国の異言語教育のあり方を問い直す : 「ウチからみた歴史」と「ソトからみた歴史」
  • コノ クニ ノ イゲンゴ キョウイク ノ アリカタ オ トイ ナオス : 「 ウチ カラ ミタ レキシ 」 ト 「 ソト カラ ミタ レキシ 」
  • 「ウチからみた歴史」と「ソトからみた歴史」

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The amount of effort, time and money put into English language teaching and learning probably produces smaller result in Japan than anywhere else. ― Edwin O. Reischauer. The blame for this ‘lamentable situation’ is usually laid squarely on the English teachers and their teaching methods. But, strangely enough, little has so far been voiced by English teachers against the criticisms leveled at them. And amazingly little has been written to describe, analyze and explain the extremely complicated state of English teaching in this country.The purpose of this article is to examine the main factors which greatly influence language learning and which are very frequently overlooked in the discussion of English teaching in Japan.


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