ヴァイマル期における保養施設・療養施設の学校田園寮としての利用について : 「ドイツ福音主義教会内国伝道中央委員会」管轄下の施設に焦点を当てて

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • Uses of the Recreational Homes and Free-time Homes for Schullandheim during the Weimar Republic : A Focus on the Home Under Management of the “Central Committee for the Inner Mission of the German Evangelical Church”


In 1930, a project was set up to accept school classes within what were termed Recreational Homes and Free-time Homes, abbreviated in a combined form afterward; from Schullandheim (Rural School Hostel) under the “Reichsbund der deutschen Schullandheime” (“National League for German Rural School Hostels”), “Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Jugenderholungs- und Heilfürsorge” (National Work Group for Recreation and Free-time for Youth”), and four private welfare associations in Germany. This research investigates the relationship between education and welfare in Germany at that time. For this paper, the “Central-Ausschuß für die Innere Mission der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirche” (“Central Committee for the Inner Mission of the German Evangelical Church”) was selected from among four private welfare associations, and “Deutscher Verband evangelischer Erholungsheime und Heilstätten für Kinder und Jugendliche” (“German League for Evangelical Recreational Homes and Free Time Homes for Children and Youth”), as implemented in the project of “Central-Ausschuß”, are the foci of this analysis. In particular, this research illustrates how the notion of home is described and explained in the formation of Schullandheim as clarified through an analysis of letters and questionnaires from individual homes by the “Deutscher Verband evangelischer Erholungsheime und Heilstätten für Kinder und Jugendliche”. Because the use of the home for Schullandheim purposes posed a possible threat to deviate from its original purpose, several homes did not return a positive answer regarding a request to open one’s home. However, there were many positive answers regarding the use of one’s home as a substitute of Schullandheim. The reason for the many positive answers in response to requests for home use, can be attributed to the fact that many homes suffered from economic difficulties, even though there were responses from homes which could not be explained by economic necessity alone. These homes believed that the primary purpose of activities in Schulllandheim was to for the benefit of children’s education so supported the activities requested by Schullandheim. In the description written in the freely distributed questionnaire carried out by “Deutscher Verband evangelischer Erholungsheime und Heilstätten für Kinder und Jugendliche,” a close relationship between the home and the school (or school class) was described in positive terms. Therefore, it can be stated that the home and Schullandheim were not only connected by the economic factors, but also, by a consensus with its stated purpose.




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