Discrepancies in Teacher Abilities Pursued by Teachers and Graduate Teacher Training Schools

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  • 教師と教職大学院が追求する教師能力の不一致
  • キョウシ ト キョウショク ダイガクイン ガ ツイキュウ スル キョウシ ノウリョク ノ フイッチ

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Japanese graduate teacher training school(graduate school of teacher education)was founded in 2008. The curriculums have been changed many times for the fifteen years. However, it has been very diffucult for university teachers based on disciplines to gain the chances to prove themselves in the graduate teacher training school. Typical contents of the subjects have been desired for graduate teacher training school. The contents must be characterized as the fusion of theory and practice. In-service teachers and new teacher applicants have not always accorded with the curriculums. Using long span of time for the practice in actual schools might not have been effective. The curriculum matching to the wishes of graduate school students must be produced with basic subject contents.


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