カミングアウトをめぐる可変的な交渉過程/ ある障害をもつ男性同性愛者の経験を事例に

DOI 機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Negotiation Process of ‘Coming Out’ with Skilled / Flexible Acceptance: A Case Study of a Gay Man with Physical Disabilities
  • カミングアウト オ メグル カヘンテキ ナ コウショウ カテイ/アル ショウガイ オ モツ ダンセイ ドウ セイアイシャ ノ ケイケン オ ジレイ ニ



This article clarifies how a status of disabled minority affects a process in which gay people inform their parents of their sexualities. Most research on this issue has often presumed that individuals belonging to both sexuality and disability minorities would experience compounded disadvantages, leading multiple difficulties in coming out. As a case study of such coming out processes, I apply three coming out models remarkably discussed in in the context of Queer Sinophone Studies: coming-out model, coming-home model, and coming-with model. Based on these models, this study focuses on a Taiwan-based gay man with physical disabilities faced through the experience of coming out to his parents. The result indicates that the gay man’s status of combined minorities with sexuality and disabilities, which led to “compounded disadvantages”, did not act as a negative factor in his relationship with his family. In conclusion, those with combined minorities flexibly apply their multiple minorities in order to improve the family relationship in the process of coming out, in which they switch or combine some among the three models depending on the situation. It is crucial not to categorize them strictly into a particular model. Instead, examining these experiences within the broader context of the complexities faced by individual parties and the subsequent transformations in family relationships provides a more nuanced understanding.


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