Special Needs Education Initiatives Based on Psychoeducational Support Services in Junior High Schools

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  • 中学校における心理教育的援助サービスを踏まえた特別支援教育の取組


Fifteen years have passed since the revision of the School Education Act in 2007, and school committees to promote special needs education have largely been established in schools across the country. However, there are also cases in which school committees do not function adequately, and the support system has not been fully established, with the school only reporting on students' maladjustment and behavioral problems and linking them to specific support. The purpose of this report is to improve this current situation and consider the form of an effective support system that meets the educational needs of students with special needs. As a method, We organized the laws and regulations regarding special needs education provided in junior high schools, organized the support system for special needs education from the perspective of a school psychology approach, and reviewed the practice. As a result, the following three points were suggested: 1) Enhancing the counseling system by making use of special needs education coordinators, 2) Improving the quality of special support service in resource room classes, 3) Creating a school support system using psychoeducational support services


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