Development of a Tool to Facilitate Turn-taking in Group Discussions Using a Hamburger Motif

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  • ハンバーガーをモチーフにした話し合い促進ツールの開発
  • ハンバーガー オ モチーフ ニ シタ ハナシアイ ソクシン ツール ノ カイハツ

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Small group discussions are often introduced as class activities to promote students' active learning in university classrooms, even if the students are not familiar with each other. However, some students have difficulties in taking turns during their conversation, as well as avoiding situations when specific individuals either talk excessively or never contribute to the discussion because students in general do not have sufficient experience in having discussions in such situations. To address these challenges, we developed the application "B-LOG" which visualizes each student's participation during the discussion and also prompts them to contribute to the conversation. We improved the product through a two-year iteration with experiments and proved that B-LOG can help students improve toward their equal participation and prevent situations when specific students overcontribute.


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