Determination of <sup>40</sup>K, <sup>232</sup>Th, and <sup>238</sup>U in Easily-Sealed Soil Using a Germanium Detection System and the Comparison with Actually Measured Air Dose Rates

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  • 簡易密封した土壌試料中のゲルマニウム半導体検出装置による<sup>40</sup>K, <sup>232</sup>Th及び<sup>238</sup>Uの定量と実測の空間線量率との比較


<p>For effective use of valuable soil samples after determination of naturally occurring radionuclides by gamma-spectrometry, a simple U-8 container sealing method with PTFE seals was investigated. When the method was applied to measure naturally occurring radionuclides in standard reference materials, it was found that the method could determine radionuclides adequately. Then using the method, 222 archived soil samples at QST collected in the 1970s, were measured to determine 40K, 232Th and 238U series radionuclides, and also measured for 137Cs activity concentrations to identify whether or not the soil samples were well exposed to natural conditions. The calculated air dose rates using the determined naturally occurring radionuclides agreed well with the ambient air dose rates at the time of sampling.</p>



    RADIOISOTOPES 73 (2), 161-171, 2024-07-15

    Japan Radioisotope Association


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