中国人ビジネス関係者の日本語の謝罪メールに対する評価 ―読み手の属性による評価観点の比較―

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • Readers’ Evaluation of Chinese Business People's Japanese Apology E-mails: Comparison of Evaluation Perspectives Based on the Reader’s Attributes
  • チュウゴクジン ビジネス カンケイシャ ノ ニホンゴ ノ シャザイ メール ニ タイスル ヒョウカ ―ヨミテ ノ ゾクセイ ニヨル ヒョウカ カンテン ノ ヒカク―


In this study, a questionnaire survey was administered to Japanese business people, Japanese teachers of Japanese, and Chinese teachers of Japanese to understand the differences in their evaluation views when evaluating Japanese business e-mails written by Chinese business people. As a result, the three groups had two points in common in their evaluation perspectives: 1) when evaluating an e-mail as “favorable”, they tended to focus on “consideration for the reader”; 2) when evaluating an e-mail as “unfavorable”, all three groups tended to focus on “linguistic accuracy”. Regarding the differences in the evaluation perspectives of the three groups, 1) Japanese business people placed the most importance on “whether or not the reason for the delay was clearly explained” and “whether or not the subject was understandable”; 2) Japanese teachers tended to emphasize “whether there were any grammatical errors” when reading the e-mails; 3) On the other hand, Chinese teachers placed less emphasis on “whether there were any grammatical errors”. In contrast, Chinese teachers placed the most importance on “whether or not honorific and polite expressions were used”. These results revealed some commonalities in the evaluation perspectives of the three groups, while also highlighting the divergent perspectives between Japanese language teachers and Japanese business people.


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