

  • Creation and Utilization of Game with Exchanges between Rural and Urban
  • トシ ト ノウソン ノ コウリュウ オ ダイザイ ト シタ ゲーム ノ セイサク ト ソノ カツヨウ



As gaming simulation methods have educational and learning effects and are useful as encouraging public participation, we created a prototype game with exchanges between rural and urban. Experimental trials conducted in a reality-free, and virtual environment showed that the participants realized various things about how to exchanges between rural and urban. It also became clear that data from the simulation of the action process involved can be arranged and analyzed. However, to apply the gaming to regional development, some refinements need to be added. For example, the debriefing process needs to be methodologically reinforced so that shared output can be externalized to connect the results of the game to the real world. To increase the game resources that target regional development, we are faced with the challenge of creating gaming situations that can be simulated in a virtual environment and that represent conceptual models of all the research knowledge gathered.


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