Separation of the U Lα Peak by Fitting in EDXRF Spectra

  • YOSHII Hiroshi
    National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Toho University
    National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Toho University
  • MATSUYAMA Tsugufumi
    National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science Faculty of Engineering Gifu University
  • SAKAI Yasuhiro
    National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Toho University

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  • EDXRFスペクトルにおけるフィッティングによるU Lα線のピーク分離
  • EDXRF スペクトル ニ オケル フィッティング ニ ヨル U L αセン ノ ピーク ブンリ

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<p>Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers are often equipped with a function that provides the net signal intensity of each peak through the software that comes with the device. However, for most devices, the algorithms are trade secrets and are not made public. Rather than relying on the software that comes with the equipment, which is a black box, we performed peak separation using our own unique peak-fitting method. In this method, the data are fit within a narrow energy range that includes the target element peak and in which the background signal can be expressed as a linear function. A Gaussian function is superimposed on the range. The width of each peak and the peak intensity ratio for the same element are fixed by pre-measurement. In this study, we used samples containing a large quantity of rubidium and various concentrations of uranium, and compared the signal intensity of the U Lα line obtained using our own fitting method with that obtained using the software provided with the equipment. Thus, we demonstrated that our novel fitting method is superior for samples containing a small quantity of uranium.</p>



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 73 (7.8), 359-367, 2024-07-05

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry


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