Evaluation of Projects Aimed at Nurturing Medical Professionals in the Region; Effects on "Medical Kids" Participants' Medical Career Aspirations

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  • 地域で医療人を育む事業の評価 : 医療・介護職体験イベント「メディカルキッズ」参加者の医療人志向への影響
  • チイキ デ イリョウジン オ ハグクム ジギョウ ノ ヒョウカ : イリョウ ・ カイゴショク タイケン イベント 「 メディカルキッズ 」 サンカシャ ノ イリョウジン シコウ エ ノ エイキョウ

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<p> Since 2013, Nakatsugawa City has been holding a medical/nursing care work experience event called “Medical Kids,” aimed primarily at sixth-grade elementary school students to develop an interest in medical and nursing care and aspire to become medical/nursing care workers in the future. We investigated the current career paths of participants in this event 7 to 9 years after the event, and evaluated the impact of the event on their intentions to work in the medical and nursing care professions.</p><p> A questionnaire survey was conducted in 2022 asking 43 participants of the event from 2013 to 2015 about their current career paths. The response rate was 81.4%, with 40% employed or pursuing higher education in the medical/nursing care field, and 64% of them stated that participating in the event was an opportunity for them to choose a career path. It turned out that this event was an opportunity for them to choose a future medical or nursing career.</p>


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