Tentative theory of learning support for students with developmental disorders -A social worker's perspective-
- Tomokazu MATSUURA
- Nayoro City University
- 松浦 智和
- 名寄市立大学
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- Other Title
- 発達障害学生の学修支援に関する試論 -ソーシャルワーカーの立場から-
- ハッタツ ショウガイ ガクセイ ノ ガクシュウ シエン ニ カンスル シロン : ソーシャルワーカー ノ タチバ カラ
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Abstract: In recent years, the number of students who have and who are suspected of having developmental disorders has been increasing. Given this fact, the analysis described herein was conducted to grasp the overall situation of students with developmental disorders. The results are expected to yield source materials to develop a learning support system at Nayoro City University through organization of practical examples of learning support and various researchers’ knowledge of how the support should be administered. According to the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), the number of students with disorders currently attending universities, junior colleges, and technical colleges is 33,812. Of those, 6,047 students have “developmental disorders (with a medical certificate),” which includes 4,325 students with disorders receiving support. There are 3,105 other students with developmental disorders (without a medical certificate but with educational considerations) receiving support. These days, support for students with disorders, not limited to developmental disorders, is pursued both qualitatively and quantitatively nationwide. However, the author particularly surveys universities’ efforts to support students with developmental disorders and presents views of “the development of a student support system” and “support for students not seeking assistance.”
- 紀要 = Bulletin of Nayoro City University
紀要 = Bulletin of Nayoro City University 14 15-26, 2020-03-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390583934057095424
- NII Article ID
- 120006875030
- NII Book ID
- AA12272535
- 030430814
- 18817440
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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