Music of Heaven and Earth in the Writings of Henry Thoreau : Sphere and Celestial

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  • ヘンリー・ソローにおける天地の音楽
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  • スフィアとセレスティアルの観念をめぐって

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Henry Thoreau was one of the American transcendentalist thinkers of the nineteenth century. He is known for being a naturalist who closely observed facts in nature and described them as they were. On the other hand, he also used the idealistic notions of “sphere music” and “celestial music,” both of which conjure up heaven and the stars, in his writings. He depicted various environmental sounds produced on the earth as sphere music mainly in the early phase of his career, and then later in his career divine sounds from heaven that were evocative of the creation of life as celestial music. While he maintained his orientation toward an idealistic way of thinking, he strengthened his inclination to closely observe facts along with his preference for the notion of celestial music.



    BULLETIN 51 (0), 31-43, 2019

    Shokei University・Shokei University Junior College

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