Impact of Community Involvement on Future Residential Choice

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  • コミュニティへの関与実態と関与意向が居住地選好に与える影響


<p>This study clarified the impact of community involvement, such as local activity and travel behavior, on residential choice from the viewpoint of the social capital. In bonding SCs, “hometown” and “security” can be a factor that prevents moving. “Neighborhood relationships and atmosphere of the area” can be a factor for moving. In bridging SCs, “career”, “moving experiences”, and self-actualization activities can be a factor for moving. If the transportation to the station is<tt>“</tt>walking” or “bus”, travel behavior can't be a factor for moving. In conclusion, it is suggested that a strategy with a regional perspective is important so that a relationship can be established in cooperation with the surrounding local governments to enhance the life satisfaction and complement inconvenience and dissatisfaction.</p>


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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