The Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games: Who Were They for?

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  • 誰のためのリオデジャネイロ五輪であったか?


<p>In order to able to examine the likely political, economic, and sociocultural impacts of the 2020 Summer Olympics to be held in Tokyo, this article reviews urban development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rio de Janeiro hosted two mega-events in rapid succession, the 2016 Summer Olympics and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. This research is mainly based on a literature review and complementary fieldwork. The financing of and investment in the Rio Olympics resulted in a large amount of public money being paid to certain private companies due to favor-driven politics. A significant portion of the investments was made in Barra da Tijuca, which was the locus of venues for the Rio Olympics and home to a small number of low-income residents. The investments benefited very few people, and many low-income residents were evicted from their favelas. In addition, most of the city's residents were forced to make extraordinary sacrifices. These situations should not be attributed to the nature of the mega-events themselves; rather, the mega-events amplified the existing political and economic dynamics, which have a broad, intense effects on various parts of society.</p>


  • E-journal GEO

    E-journal GEO 13 (1), 296-311, 2018

    The Association of Japanese Geographers

Citations (1)*help

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