A Case Report of Improvement of Dysarthria with a Maxillo-Palatal Prosthesis

  • Koide Yasuyo
    Department of Removable Prosthodomtics, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo

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<p>Patient: A 42-year-old female diagnosed with recurrent left maxillary mucoepidermoid carcinoma underwent partial resection of the hard and soft palates. Matsuura’s classification of maxillary deficiency was H3S1D2T0. The patient developed dysarthria after surgery due to palatal defects. An immediate prosthesis was placed during the healing period. A final maxillar prosthesis was fabricated using the flange technique while paying special attention to the form of the lateral and posterior border of the prosthesis.</p><p>Discussion: In this case the clarity of the patient’s utterances was significantly improved by the final prosthesis. A good outcome was achieved by making the form of the border and flange of the prosthesis during the fabrication process.</p><p>Conclusion: The form of the flange and the position of the posterior border which overlies the remaining soft palate are important for improving both dysarthria and dysphasia in patients with defective palates after surgery.</p>


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