Image analysis method of Pperfused ion renal vascular image evaluation method using ultrasonic echo


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  • 超音波エコーを用いた灌流腎画像評価法の検討


<p>For a solution to serious donor organ shortage in organ transplantation, we've aimed to develop innovative therapeutics of extracorporeal organ regeneration therapies, in which damaged organs are treated to recover or to regenerate under machine perfusion. In this approach, it is required to develop non-invasive and real-time monitoring methods of the state of organs during perfusion. Therefore, we focused on ultrasonic echo imaging.Porcine kidneys stored for several hours after sacrifice were used. We tried to examine contrast-enhanced ultrasonography to evaluate vascular perfusion after initial perfusion with saline. Uniform-sized microbubbles as contrast agent were produced using SPG membrane from polyvinyl alcohol solution. A mean diameter of microbubbles was 13 μm just after the preparation. Additionally, we successfully imaged vascular perfusion thanks to custom-made Digital Subtraction Angiography conversion program. We believe our method would be applicable as one of effective non-invasive monitoring methods for perfusion status of organs during extracorporeal perfusion.</p>


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