

  • High Packing Metallic Powder for Application of Additive Manufacturing
  • キンゾク フンマツ ノ コウミツド ジュウテンカ ト セキソウ ゾウケイ ギジュツ エ ノ オウヨウ



<p>Flowability and packing structure of metallic powder are ones of key issue to achieve good formability of additive manufacturing. In this article, packing structure of metallic powders is studied using two kinds of gas-atomized ferric powders and two kinds of model powders. The packing fraction of the powders is increased by tapping. The packing behavior by tapping is different depending on characteristics of powder. Larger angle of repose is observed for the powder with higher packing fraction after the tapping. Since fine powder penetrates into the opening gaps located in the coarse powder, high packing fraction can be achieved by mixing of the coarse powder and fine powder. Moreover, stacking behavior of powder bed with these powders is also investigated using handmade additive manufacturing machine. Obtained data allowed us to discuss the formability of additive manufacturing.</p>


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