
DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス
  • 金澤 郁恵
  • 佐島 毅
  • 福田 晃也
  • 阪本 靖介
  • 笠原 群生


  • Explaining the need for a liver transplant to pediatric patients



<p>【Objective】 Pediatric liver transplantations are almost always performed at the request of the parents. Few studies have examined the need to explain the procedure to the children. The aim of this study was to clarify the timing and content of explanations for the recipients of a pediatric liver transplantation.</p><p>【Methods】 During the study period, 262 liver transplant recipients and their parents at the National Center for Child Health and Development, excluding patients older than 18 years or living abroad, were asked to respond to an onymous, self-administered questionnaire including the timing and the content of explanations about the transplant operation.</p><p>【Results】 There were 173 respondents of the 262 parents (response rate: 66.0%). Of these, 56% responded that they had explained the need for the operation to their child. All the parents of elementary school-aged and junior high school-aged patients reported explaining the reasons for the operation to their child. Some 38% of the parents did not explain the reason for the operation, and 42% of the parents responded that this was necessary only if their child “starts asking about (the operation) or is old enough to understand these matters.” For all children older than junior high school-age who received an explanation (and gave informed consent), the wishes or opinions of the patient influenced the decision to perform the transplantation.</p><p>【Conclusion】 To facilitate pediatric liver transplant recipients’ postoperative management of their own health, the medical staff and the parents need to better how better to provide patients with appropriate explanations about their disease and operation as they mature. To achieve this aim, in addition to the patients’ informed assent or consent with the procedure, criteria based on an objective developmental assessment are needed to counsel pediatric transplant patients in a timely manner.</p>


  • 移植

    移植 53 (2-3), 185-190, 2018

    一般社団法人 日本移植学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

