Hesitation among Citizens of Nuclear Hosting Communities: A Provisional Approach to Understanding their Continuous Efforts to Maintain Security of Life
- YAMAMURO Atsushi
- Fukuoka Institute of Technology
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- 問われ続ける存在になる原子力立地点住民――立地点住民の自省性と生活保全との関係を捉える試論――
- トワレ ツズケル ソンザイ ニ ナル ゲンシリョク リッチテン ジュウミン : リッチテン ジュウミン ノ ジセイセイ ト セイカツ ホゼン ト ノ カンケイ オ トラエル シロン
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<p>Nuclear accidents and similar events that take place during nuclear power development and utilization threaten the basic life security of people in nuclear hosting communities, which is built upon their health, social relationships, and plans about the future. Citizens in nuclear hosting communities need to deal flexibly with nuclear accidents, or their lives may suffer unexpected disruptions. These people are therefore faced with the challenge of maintaining their security in life by trying to reestablish their security in times of disaster. Grim realities, such as these, have prompted environmental sociology experts to tackle the question of how people in these communities can be assisted in their efforts to maintain their security.</p><p>In the past, researchers focused on people’s opposing positions (e. g. either nuclear antagonists or protagonists) and much research has been conducted on the denuclearization movement. This paper, in contrast, gives attention to the self-reflective attitude of residents in nuclear hosting communities. This approach has been chosen because the initiatives of people in these communities have given birth to criticisms that are distinct from idealistic criticisms about reality. Therefore, these initiatives are expected to have a significant impact on the citizens’ efforts to maintain security of life, which are distinct from the denuclearization movement.</p><p>This paper presents a provisional approach to understanding the continuous efforts of people in nuclear hosting communities to maintain security of life by giving attention to their shared experiences. These experiences define or expand on the ideas and practices related to their efforts to maintain life security. Therefore, attention was given to the question of the significance of the self-reflectiveness of people in relation to their initiatives.</p>
- Journal of Environmental Sociology
Journal of Environmental Sociology 18 (0), 82-95, 2012-11-20
Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390845713021532032
- NII Article ID
- 110009829278
- NII Book ID
- AN10498448
- 24340618
- 024106382
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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