Biographic Review of Alan Owston

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  • アラン・オーストン基礎資料
  • アラン ・ オーストン キソ シリョウ

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<p>Alan Owston is one of the most famous naturalists of the Meiji Period in Japan. His contribution to natural history knowledge was briefly introduced in previous literature, however, no detailed biographic and bibliographic information was made available. This review compiles his achievements within both industrial and natural history contexts, drawing upon information obtained from academic publications, reports of research organizations and public newspaper articles. It pays especial attention to his friendships with contemporary specialists in several fields around the world, and also his employees, including specimen collectors of his company ‘Alan Owston’ at Yokohama. The author hopes this review will provide a basic data set of his life as a background to understanding the development of Japanese technological and biological research during the Meiji Period.</p>



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