The influence of leg raise height during sitting on one-sided lower limb raising motion body movement and center of pressure

  • Kida Tomohiro
    Department of Rehabilitation, Rokujizo General Hospital Graduate School of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Kansai University of Health Sciences
  • Ito Riku
    Department of Rehabilitation, Rokujizo General Hospital
  • Kusunoki Takamitsu
    Department of Rehabilitation, Rokujizo General Hospital
  • Ohnuma Toshihiro
    Department of Rehabilitation, Rokujizo General Hospital
  • Suzuki Toshiaki
    Graduate School of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Kansai University of Health Sciences

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  • 座位での一側下肢挙上動作における下肢挙上の高さの違いが身体運動・座圧中心位置に及ぼす影響
  • 研究助成論文 関西理学療法学会 平成30年度研究助成論文 座位での一側下肢挙上動作における下肢挙上の高さの違いが身体運動・座圧中心位置に及ぼす影響
  • ケンキュウ ジョセイ ロンブン カンサイ リガク リョウホウ ガッカイ ヘイセイ 30ネンド ケンキュウ ジョセイ ロンブン ザイ デ ノ イチソク カシキョジョウ ドウサ ニ オケル カシキョジョウ ノ タカサ ノ チガイ ガ シンタイ ウンドウ ・ ザアツ チュウシン イチ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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<p>One-sided lower limb raising motion during sitting is carried out in various daily living activities. In clinical practice, we often encounter patients experiencing instability during maintenance of the sitting posture. When such patients lift the lower limb of one side, the balance of the sitting posture is disturbed, leading to instability at the back and the side, necessitating assistance for basic daily chores in some cases. Physiotherapy training includes practice exercises for raising the legs to various heights for patients who find it difficult to raise the lower limb of one side in the sitting position. We hypothesized that movement of the spine, the pelvis, and a change in the pressure center of the seating surface accompany lifting of the lower limbs, and analyzed the spinal, pelvic, and limb positions using two-dimensional image analysis in physical movement, and the center of pressure displacement responses to changes in the height of unilateral lower limb elevation in the sitting position. The objective was to examine the characteristics of COP displacement. In the 30% elevation task, displacement of the right and left COP locus was observed in response to lower limb elevation, and with regard to the longitudinal COP locus, there was a tendency of the COP locus to displace backward after the COP shifted forward. In the 90% elevation task, COP displacement to the support side and the rear side was observed. Considering these facts, a pattern of characteristic COP displacement corresponding to the change in height of the leg lifting was seen. In healthy volunteers, it has been observed that the supporting side hip joint is always held in internal rotation, and that the load is applied at the sole so that efficient operation with less COP displacement occurs. In cases of instability in one side lower limb elevation, it has been suggested that evaluation of the alignment of the supporting side hip joint is as important as that of the elevated lower limb and the trunk.</p>


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