

  • A patient at risk of falling backward during sitting motion following right total knee arthroplasty
  • 症例報告 着座動作において後方への転倒傾向を認めた右人工膝関節全置換術後の一症例
  • ショウレイ ホウコク チャクザ ドウサ ニ オイテ コウホウ エ ノ テントウ ケイコウ オ ミトメタ ミギ ジンコウ シツカンセツ ゼン チカン ジュツゴ ノ イチ ショウレイ



<p>We performed physical therapy for a patient following right total knee arthroplasty. The patient was at risk of falling backward during the sitting motion because of insufficient right knee flexion. During examination of the sitting motion, cessation of flexion of the patient's right knee at about 90°, followed by a sudden drop of the buttocks with ankle flexion was observed. Further evaluation identified weakness in right knee extensor strength. Physical therapy focused on the knee bending angle. The method was as follows: the right lower limb was placed on a 20-cm-high platform set in front of a high-position chair, and the patient stepped onto the platform with the knee in 90° flexion. The aim was to improve right knee extensor strength. After treatment, the patient could maintain right knee flexion until the buttocks reached the seat surface. Thus, the risk of falling backward during the sitting motion was reduced, thereby improving safety.</p>


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