A Study of the <i>Risshō Ankoku Ron</i> Manuscripts by Sanukikō-Nichigen

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  • 讃岐公日源写本『立正安国論』に関する一考察
  • サヌキコウビ ゲン シャホン 『 リッショウアンコクロン 』 ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ

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<p>This paper represents an attempt to clarify the philological position of two Risshō Ankoku Ron manuscripts (Kenmu-Bon and Jōwa-Bon Manuscripts) of Sanukikō-Nichigen (讃岐公日源) in the history of Nichiren-shu literature from the bibliographical stand point.</p><p>The study confirms that both the Kenmu-Bon (建武本) and Jōwa-Bon (貞和本) manuscripts are descendants of the Ryaku-hon (略本) Manuscript, which now belongs to Nakayama Hokekyōji temple (中山法華経寺). The study also points out these facts of bibliographical significance: the characteristic usage of guiding marks for reading (訓点) of those two manuscripts respectively represents that the guiding marks in the former manuscript were added in the beginning of the early modern period while those of the latter were added based on the manuscript which was copied by Nissai (日済) in the Kamakura period. These newly found bibliographical facts strongly support the assumptions of previous studies and make clearer the philological position of these two manuscripts.</p>



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