Quantity of Disaster Waste for Emergency Response of Public Authorities on Flood Disaster

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  • 水害時の行政対応における災害廃棄物発生量に関する研究
  • スイガイジ ノ ギョウセイ タイオウ ニ オケル サイガイ ハイキブツ ハッセイリョウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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<p>A questionnaire survey about the disaster waste for local governments where the Disaster Relief Act due to the flood disaster after 1999 had been applied was carried out, and the per unit generation waste was estimated. The per unit generation waste of flood damage above the floor level was estimated 4.6 tons per a household and the per unit generation waste of inundation damage below the floor level per a household was estimated 0.62 tons. The procedure to estimate weight of disaster waste due to flood disaster considering the number of house damages was presented. As a result, it was showed that the relative quantity of disaster waste could be available to assistance for emergency responses of public authorities on flood disaster.</p>


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