Skilled Labour on Capitalist Production
- Shiomi Yuri
- Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 資本主義的生産における労働の熟練
This article aims to reconstruct the idea of skilled labour on the Marxian political economy. Since Das Kapital, we have supposed that a labourer has simple and unskilled labour power in the theory. Our recent discussion on labour and labour process, however, faces the problem about the difference of labour productivity that is based on each labourer’s skill. It means we also face the need to rethink the idea of skill. On section 1, we analyse the traditional usage of the term‘ skilled labour’ with contrasting the terms‘ complicated labour’,‘ unskilled labour’, and‘ average labour’. On Section 2, we shall inquire into the acting point of skill in the labour process. It shows a labourer take a role of process controlling that has no fixed pattern. As a consequence of it, they can operate in various ways and lead to various results. And, the potential of various control implies the room to perform not only skilful operation but poorer work, called unskilled labour. For coping with it, there are two capitalist’s behaviours on organising labour process: utilising skilled labour and eliminating unskilled labour.
- The Journal of Economic Studies (The University of Tokyo)
The Journal of Economic Studies (The University of Tokyo) 60 (0), 33-42, 2018
The Society of Economic Studies (The University of Tokyo)
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390845713047896192
- NII Article ID
- 130007557731
- 2433989X
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed