Research on Achievement of Both Thermal Efficiency Enhancement and NOx Reduction in Natural Gas Lean-burn Engine (Third Report)
- Yamamoto Kensaku
- (株)本田技術研究所
- Nakano Hideaki
- (株)本田技術研究所
- Kobayashi Shinichi
- (株)本田技術研究所
- Nada Yuzuru
- 徳島大学
- Kidoguchi Yoshiyuki
- 徳島大学
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 天然ガス希薄燃焼エンジンにおける熱効率向上とNOx 低減の両立(第3 報)
- 天然ガス希薄燃焼エンジンにおける熱効率向上とNOx低減の両立(第3報)エンジン出力から見た効果検証
- テンネン ガス キハク ネンショウ エンジン ニ オケル ネツ コウリツ コウジョウ ト NOx テイゲン ノ リョウリツ(ダイ3ポウ)エンジン シュツリョク カラ ミタ コウカ ケンショウ
- ―エンジン出力から見た効果検証―
- - Efficiency Verification from the Viewpoint of Engine Output -
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We are studying lean combustion of natural gas engine, in order to reduce environmental load. Previously, we proposed the ultra-lean rapid two layer combustion concept, which used an engine equipped with a direct injection injector in the sub-chamber, for the purpose of improving thermal efficiency and reducing NOx. In this research, we investigated the effect of this concept on engine output, and, as a result, have increased power by improvement in combustion speed in high revolution area.
- Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 50 (1), 7-12, 2019
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390845713048534528
- NII Article ID
- 130007557833
- NII Book ID
- AN00105913
- 24339652
- 18830811
- 02878321
- 029474624
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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