Relationship between number of students in a class and academic achievement

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  • 一学級の児童生徒数と児童生徒の学力・学級生活満足度との関係
  • イチ ガッキュウ ノ ジドウ セイトスウ ト ジドウ セイト ノ ガクリョク ・ ガッキュウ セイカツ マンゾクド ト ノ カンケイ

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In recent years, problems of school refusal, class breakdown and a decline in academic achievement have been identified. In order to tackle this, educational initiatives for small groups of people, such as smaller classes, and small group instruction, have gained attention. However, their effect has not been fully confirmed. In this study, (1) the relationship between class structure (number of students in a class) and children’s desire for learning and fixation level of academic achievement (2) the relationship between class structure and class and level of satisfaction of school life and (3) the relationship between class groups and fixation level of academic achievement were clarified. The results showed, the influence of class structure was different for the lower and upper grades of elementary school. Smaller classes were more effective for learning and school life in the lower grades. For the upper grades, learning was effective in smaller classes, but there was not such a positive influence on school life. In middle school, a negative influence was observed for learning in classes with over 36 students, and when a class had less than 20 students a negative influence was observed for school life. A great deal was learned about class groups and fixation level of academic achievement. It is considered that there is a need to further examine ways in which teachers who make up learning groups can improve academic achievement through class management, gain more ideas for guidance of classes according to each situation, and to examine how psycho-educational support should be provided for children.


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